jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2019

Instant messages. Mateo and Alex

Alejandro: What are you going to do this weekend.
Mateo: I am going to go play football.
Alejandro: I am going to play videogames . I went to because a good player.
Mateo: That sound great. What are you going to be later.
Alejandro: I am going to a youtuber competition.
Mateo: You are not going to be a good player if you play videgames old times.

Instant messages. Beba, Martín

Martin:Hi there,I´m Martin,I´m your fitness instructor

Beba: Nice to meet you Martin, I`m Beba

Martin:Right! first! it's important to run six times a week,drink a lot of water and eat healthy food

Beba: This is going to ne difficult

Martin: Don't worry ! It's going to be fun.

Beba: sure!

Romeo and Juliet.